
Noah found what in the eyes of the Lord when He decided to use him to build the ark? #wanitaxigo

John the Baptist's baptism was for what? #wanitaxigo

6 Ways to Appreciate Your Pastor All Year Long

How to Get Logos 9 on Any Budget: The Ultimate Buying Guide

Joshua and the Israelites crossed over________ into the promised Land. #wanitaxigo

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: October 27–30

When the spirit of the Lord had departed from King Saul how did he try to kill David out of his jealousy? #wanitaxigo

Logos 9 Is Here! See What’s New

The enemies of the Jews succeeded in stopping the building of the Temple. When did the building begin again? #wanitaxigo

Which was the first part of the army of Israel into the Jordan river? #wanitaxigo

If Cain didn't do well, what was at the door? #wanitaxigo

What kind of a tree did Zacchaeus climb up to see Jesus pass through town? #wanitaxigo

Paperless Giving for Churches Has Never Been So Easy (or So Needed)

Who were the two disciples that Jesus called the "Sons of Thunder"? #wanitaxigo

Fall Back When? Free Media to Remind Your Church

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: October 20–23, 2020

Immediately after Jesus ascension His followers continued in what? #wanitaxigo

In the creation of the world whose image did God make man? #wanitaxigo

After defeating the Kings who captured Lot, who blessed Abram? #wanitaxigo

King Xerxes (also known as King Ahashuerus) made ________ queen after he deposed Queen Vashti. #wanitaxigo

The Quick & Simple Guide to Facebook Ads for Churches

7 Essential Year-End Giving Tips for Churches

How Do You Get People to Talk in Small Group?

Who was thrown into a pit and then later sold as a slave by his brothers? #wanitaxigo

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: October 13–16, 2020