
When the Lord promised Abram a great reward what did Abram ask for? #wanitaxigo

What percentage of the spoils that Abram took after defeating the Kings who captured Lot did Abram give to Melchizedek? #wanitaxigo

Isaac dug wells that his father Abraham had previously dug but ________. #wanitaxigo

How Faithlife Got Scrappy with Communication & Churches Can Too

What relationship was Cain to Abel? #wanitaxigo

How to Run In-Person & Live Stream Church Services Simultaneously

What did Moses float in when his mother could not care for him? #wanitaxigo

What did the Lord use to speak to Abram in Genesis 15? #wanitaxigo

3 Common Mistakes in Church Capital Campaigns & How to Avoid Them

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: Feb. 23–26, 2021

To where did Phicol and Abimelech return after leaving Abraham at Beersheba? #wanitaxigo

God fed ________ and ________ to the Israelites while they were in the wilderness each morning. #wanitaxigo

Which gospel tells of the resurrection of Lazarus? #wanitaxigo

From Abraham to King David, King David to the time when the people of Israel were taken into exile in Babylon and from the time after the exile in Babylon to the birth of Jesus, How many generations are there all together? #wanitaxigo

Starting a Church Blog Is So Much Easier Than You Think—Here’s Why

What are the first two words of every beatitude recorded in Matthew? #wanitaxigo

How many generations were between Abraham and King David? #wanitaxigo

Want a Polished Presentation for the Year’s Most-Attended Service?

What was John the Baptist's attire upon coming out of the wilderness? #wanitaxigo

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: Feb. 16–19, 2021

In the days ________ came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." #wanitaxigo

5 Smart Ways to Study the Bible with This Top Free Bible App