Church Graphics: Are You Making These Design Mistakes on Your Slides?


By Joshua Hunt and Matthew Boffey

Typographic hierarchy helps the reader know what is most important. By grouping type into clearly defined visual categories, you organize the page for clear communication. 

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The example above follows the basic guidelines of typographic hierarchy:

  • Have only one big idea, and let it shine.
  • Have just one supporting message or action (and only if needed).
  • Have four or fewer hierarchical categories. Ask, “What can be cut?”
  • Arrange priorities from top to bottom.
  • Set type sizes according to priority (biggest font up top).
  • Use just one or two fonts.
  • Reinforce priorities with bold, serif/sans-serif, and title/sentence casing.

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4 common mistakes to avoid

  • No hierarchy 
  • Too many fonts
  • Competing priorities
  • Oversized fonts

Use color to reinforce hierarchy and add visual interest

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The above image already has a clear hierarchy from the size, weight, and center placement of the type. The negative space in the corners increases the focus on the type. 

Use color from the background image

In Version 1 below, the type already has a clear hierarchy from the font size and weight. In Version 2, the title pulls in the dark brown from the sand (same tone, different value) and the subtitle is lighter. 

Version 1

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Version 2

These simple changes will help you achieve a tighter, more unified design. 

Download 49 Tips for Using Color in Your Church Graphics for more design tips.

This article originally appeared in the February 2020 issue of Ministry Team magazine.

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The post Church Graphics: Are You Making These Design Mistakes on Your Slides? appeared first on Faithlife Blog.
