What Would Your Super Bowl Ad Look Like?

Image courtesy of Faithlife Media

Earlier this week, Faithlife asked this on our social media channels: “If you had 30 seconds to share something during a Super Bowl commercial slot, what would you share?”

Before you read some of the answers, think about it. What would you say? Creating a “Super Bowl ad” could be a fun and enlightening challenge. 

10 curated, user-submitted Super Bowl ad ideas

1. “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. —2 Pet 3:9”

2. “You will hear a lot of things today. However, the most important thing you will hear today is you are worth more than you ever imagine, you are important, and you can make a difference. God loves you!”

3. “Repent and believe. The gospel is the power of God for salvation.” 

4. “Stop standing there singing how awesome I am and go clean your room.—Dad”

Christian Super Bowl ads post

5. “A quick 4–5 seconds of rapid flashes of images of sports, money, vacations, parties, etc. that says, ‘This isn’t real life.’ Then it would transition to 20 seconds of someone dying in intensive care, family gathered around, doctor saying we’ve done all we could do, etc., that says ‘This is real life.’ Then the final 5 seconds would say ‘Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.'”

6. “A black screen for five seconds, a preborn baby’s heartbeat for 20 seconds, then five seconds with the word ‘Life’ (black screen and baby’s heartbeat still heard).”

7. “God is a personal entity, having a heart that beats in sympathy with human hearts, feeling our joy and sorrowing over our pain.”

8. “Jesus is coming soon! It is time to believe in him!”

9. “Psalm 117, short but packed with a great message.”

10. “Go through a few of the commandments and show people their lost condition! In our culture?  Images of design in the natural world and statements about God being the designer and engineer.  Final screen with God having purpose for your life too.”


Even though we can’t share the gospel in multimillion-dollar Super Bowl ads, we can share it in our everyday lives. 

Need a little help learning how to share the good news—or feeling more confident when you do? Browse evangelism resources starting at under $1. 

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The post What Would Your Super Bowl Ad Look Like? appeared first on Faithlife Blog.
