How to Lead a Free Video Chat with Your Small Group

You’re working to make sure your small group members still feel connected even when you can’t gather in person. Making sure church online still offers the same level of discipleship—even if it’s digital discipleship

With, you can easily create free, private groups for everyone in your church—from the entire church to each of your small groups. Today we’re talking about a powerful feature of small groups—video chat.

(Haven’t created your Faithlife group yet? Here’s how you set it up.)

Here’s how to start a free video chat with one person or an entire group:

  1. Sign in to Faithlife.
  2. Click on the messenger icon in the top-right corner. 
  3. Choose New Message.
  4. Select Group or Person
  5. Type in the person’s name or group name and select the correct person or group.
  6. In the bar that appears at the bottom of the page, click on the camera icon to send a video chat request.

Learn more about group video chats.

Tip 1: Video chat works best in Google Chrome.

Tip 2: Make sure you have your notifications turned on so you’ll see when someone’s invited you to a video chat.

So easy, right? Sign in to and try a free video chat from your Mac or PC today. (Mobile video chat coming soon!)

And if you’re just starting with Faithlife groups, check out our training videos that walk you through all you can do (and how to do it).

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The post How to Lead a Free Video Chat with Your Small Group appeared first on Faithlife Blog.
