Do People Give to Your Church Online—Then Hear Crickets? Here’s How to Change That

COVID-19 has closed church doors—but it has flung open opportunities to reach new people online. Attendance has skyrocketed. In fact, 44% of pastors reported higher attendance online than in person.1

Along with that increase has come another kind of increase for many churches: first-time givers. 

Do you know who’s given to your church for the first time? Have you reached out to thank them? You can do it today in just a couple of minutes with Faithlife Giving:

  • Pull up a report of first-time givers within any date range you’d like.
  • Send a personalized thank-you email to each first-time giver through Faithlife’s communication tool.

Online giving for churches has become a must-have, and with Faithlife Giving, it’s easy for anyone to tithe, give once, or set repeated giving on autopilot. When they decide to give for the first time, sending a quick note of thanks will help them feel their gift is appreciated—and remind them how it will be used to further the kingdom.

Not using Faithlife Giving yet? Get 6 months of Premium rates without subscription fees. 

online giving for churches blog

The post Do People Give to Your Church Online—Then Hear Crickets? Here’s How to Change That appeared first on Faithlife Blog.
