These deals are so good, they won’t stay around long! Add new favorites to your library before the bargains disappear.
True Community
Fellowship among believers is more than just talking over coffee after church service. Biblical fellowship in New Testament times—or koinonia—had rich and varied meanings, including covenant relationship, partnership in the gospel, communion with God and others, and the sharing of earthly possessions. In True Community, bestselling author Jerry Bridges guides readers through koinonia and what God intended the body of Christ to be.
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How to Stay Christian in College
Any Christian college student will face challenges to their faith. In How to Stay Christian in College, author J. Budziszewski discusses the foundations of the Christian faith and addresses different worldviews and myths students may encounter at college. This helpful book is filled with quotes, statistics, resources, stories, and encouragement to equip students to conquer the dangers that lie ahead.
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Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away and How You Can Lead Them Home
Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) constitute the largest number of religiously unaffiliated individuals in American history. Concerned by this and other hard-hitting facts, experts Alex McFarland and Jason Jimenez interviewed top Christian leaders who work with millennials and families. Their research and conversations will offer a strong voice of hope for parents, church leaders, and others who serve the millennial generation.
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Dancing in No Man’s Land: Moving with Peace and Truth in a Hostile World
Often, at the first sign of conflict, we flee to a bunker with people who think like us and attack everyone else. But our fractured world desperately needs a different way: people who will speak gently, value truth, and think clearly. Dancing in No Man’s Land is a rallying cry, a life-giving and practical journey into the way of Jesus that will revolutionize how you view conflict.
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Come back each Tuesday for a fresh batch of massively discounted books that explore God’s Word and the Christian life. For even more savings, check out our sale page!
The post Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: September 22–25, 2020 appeared first on Faithlife Blog.
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