
During the formation of the first century church Grecian Jews complained against the Hebraic Jews for widows being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. Which of the following disciples was not assigned to this ministry? #wanitaxigo

The Easy Way to Unscramble Your Church Communications [Video]

Before Adam and Eve sinned which of the following didn't God command them to do? #wanitaxigo

Training Mailbag: How Can I Tell How Many Viewers Our Live Stream Is Reaching?

In which gospel is Jesus' first miracle, changing water into wine, recorded? #wanitaxigo

The Role of Thanksgiving in the Early Church

King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) of Persia reigned from ________. #wanitaxigo

Advent Ideas: 3 Counter-Cultural Paths to Christmas

The devil came to Jesus tempting Him by saying, "If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down" and then quoted scripture to support his claim. How did Jesus respond? #wanitaxigo

How to Get a Great Deal on All the Features of Logos 9

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: Nov. 24–27, 2020

How many days did it take the Lord to create the world? #wanitaxigo

What is a lament? #wanitaxigo

Name the Old Testament prophet who was asked to swallow a scroll? #wanitaxigo

Who answered the call to go up to Jerusalem to build the Temple of the Lord, God? #wanitaxigo

Merry Little Christmas Media

Jezebel was Ahab's ________. #wanitaxigo

6 Ideas for Teaching Apologetics in a Skeptical World

Why did God put Adam in the Garden of Eden? #wanitaxigo

10 Ways to Inspire Church Generosity on Giving Tuesday

7 Prayers of Thanksgiving for Family, Friends & the Gift of Grace

Who did Ruth marry after her first husband died? #wanitaxigo

Faithlife Ebooks Weekly Deals: Nov. 17–20, 2020