What’s So Great about a Faithlife Account?

By Adam Shaeffer

One question I see a lot is: “What’s so great about a Faithlife account?”

Well, how long do you have? Because there’s so much incredible stuff your FREE Faithlife account unlocks.

When you create a Faithlife account, you can connect with others and access content across the Faithlife platform. Post encouragement and insights from your study, participate in a group reading plan, share prayer requests and keep track of your prayer for others, manage your giving, and much more.

Even better, your Faithlife account and its credentials work across the Faithlife platform, including faithlife.com, Logos (so you should go download Logos’ Free Book of the Month and Logos Basic), Faithlife Ebooks (snag the free book there, too!), Proclaim, and every other Faithlife product. One login and password work everywhere! (Can we get an Amen?)

If you already have an account with a current product, you already have an account at faithlife.com!

If you don’t have an account, creating one is easy.

  1. Navigate to faithlife.com. (If you’ve received an email invitation to join a group, you can click Join Group in your email.)
  2. Click Get Started!

3. Enter your name, email address, and a password.
4. Click Register.

Once you’ve created your account, you can edit your profile by clicking Settings in the sidebar on the left or by clicking your Avatar image on the upper right followed by Account Settings

From here, you can add a profile photo, display name, and short bio. Faithlife auto-generates a unique URL for your profile, but you can alter it in the input box. 

Below the main profile section, you’ll find collapsible sections for additional information. These sections include:

Contact information

Enter details about how people can connect with you (address, phone, email, etc.). Select the level of sharing for each mode of contact. 

About you

This includes more detailed profile information, including gender, birthday, and bio. You also can see options for your faith background, skills, personality type, and more. The more information you provide, the easier it will be to connect with others and communicate together.


Share your spiritual gifts and testimony.

Marital status

Select a marital status and enter your wedding date.


Enter basic information about your employment history.


Use this section to let others know where you went to school and what degree(s) you earned.


Select who can see your posts and groups that you are a member of. You can also block other users, if necessary.


Access your name and login credentials. You can change your account’s email or password from this section.


This section displays events from the previous sections where dates are included (e.g. wedding date, employment, education, etc.)

You’ll also discover tabs at the top for Notifications and Sidebar. Click the Notifications tab to determine how often Faithlife communicates with you regarding activity in your groups along with other opportunities and promotions. The Sidebar tab allows you to customize your Faithlife page by adding or removing interactive widgets that appear on the right-hand side of the page. Faithlife updates your settings in real-time, providing you with a live preview on the right side of the page.

But joining groups is where you’ll find the most benefit to your new Faithlife account. So browse around for groups like Faithlife Today, and get plugged in. And if you have any questions, as always, we’re here to help.


The post What’s So Great about a Faithlife Account? appeared first on Faithlife Blog.
