What’s Next for the Pastor Pod? Meet Its New Owner

Pastor Pod

Hands down, one of the toughest things Faithlife had to do this year was select a winner for the Pastor Pod.

Contest submissions left us teary-eyed, prayerful, and more grateful than ever for pastors and the enormous work they do so selflessly. Thank you to all who entered, and blessings on you and your ministry.

Since we unfortunately only had one Pastor Pod,  we could only choose one winner—and it just reached its new home.

The Pastor Pod trekked from the (normally) temperate, mountainous terrain in the Pacific Northwest to the unusually hot, dry vistas of Arizona.

Now that it’s there, it can do its job.

What is that job?

The winner, Luke Simmons of Redemption Church, has it all figured out.

First of all, he won’t be keeping the Pastor Pod to himself. Yes, he’ll use it! But he’ll also be offering it to the 7 pastors on his church’s staff, the 20+ pastors in sister congregations, and many other local pastors. He says, “I could see it being used nearly every week of the year, providing life-giving refreshment to ministry leaders and strengthening the entire city of Phoenix.”

Think of that—one little Pastor Pod helping to strengthen an entire city . . .

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And Pastor Simmons, a veteran of nearly 20 years in ministry, will also be using the Pastor Pod to take those steps he knows will best prepare him to serve the Lord and his flock.

They include:

• Preparing the preacher, not just the message
• Organizing his preaching calendar using Logos Sermon Manager

• Assessing his life and doctrine (1 Tim 4:16), ministry, and church
• Refocusing on what’s important
• Reveling in creation
• Delighting in Jesus
• Talking to God

Even though there could only be one winner of the Pastor Pod, we hope that every pastor can find a few quiet moments to take those same steps and rest in the Lord today. Pastor, You're Too Busy. The time-saving platform you need.
