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Easter Sunday is just around the corner. As you prepare for your service and meditate on the glory of the cross, take a look at these Easter worship songs and hymns. Some are traditional, some are contemporary, and some are somewhere in between—but all are excellent options to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.
8 Easter hymns
1. Blessed Redeemer
by Avis B. Christiansen, Harry D. Loes
This hymn is a powerful lead-in to songs and hymns celebrating the resurrection.
“Blessed Redeemer! Precious Redeemer
Seems now I see him on Calvary’s tree
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
Blind and unheeding, dying for me”
2. Because He Lives
by William J. Gaither, Gloria Gaither
This triumphant hymn, sung year-round, is especially appropriate for Easter.
“Because he lives I can face tomorrow
Because he lives all fear is gone
Because I know he holds the future
And life is worth the living just because he lives”
3. Calvary Covers It All
by Ethel R. Taylor
“Calvary Covers It All” is another powerful lead-in to hymns like “Christ Arose,” focusing on the fact that we can rejoice because Calvary has bought our redemption.
4. Christ Arose
by Robert Lowry
There’s no better time to sing this joyful hymn than on Easter.
5. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
by Charles Wesley
“Christ the Lord is ris’n today, Alleluia
Sons of men and angles say: Alleluia
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia
Sing, ye heav’ns, and earth reply, Alleluia”
6. Hallelujah, What a Savior
by Philip P. Bliss
This slower, powerful hymn prompts contemplation of our Savior.
7. He Lives
by Alfred H. Ackley
If you’re looking for a faster-tempo Easter hymn, this might be it. The hymn rejoices over the resurrection and how the risen Savior seeks a personal relationship with us today.
“He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today
He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way
He lives, he lives, salvation to impart
You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart”
8. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
by Jessie B. Pounds, James H. Fillmore
Another contemplative Easter hymn, it proclaims confidence in God’s, grace, power, and coming resurrection.
17 Easter worship songs
1. Beyond the Cross
by Mosie Lister
“Beyond the cross is a tomb that is empty
You won’t find Me there anymore
And beyond the tomb is life everlasting
And hope forevermore”
2. Cornerstone
by Eric Liljero, Reuben Morgan, Edward Mote, Jonas Myrin
In life’s storms, Jesus remains constant. His name is the one thing we can truly depend on and place our hope in. “Cornerstone” weaves the words of “On Christ, the Solid Rock” with new lyrics of faith and hope for his return.
3. Death Was Arrested
by Adam Kersh, Brandon Coker, Heath Balltzglier, Paul Taylor Smith
“Death Was Arrested” proclaims how because of Christ’s resurrection, we can be free to live for him.
4. God, You’re So Good
by Brett Younker, Brooke Ligertwood, Kristian Stanfill, Scott Ligertwood
This song of worship builds from the well-known lyrics of “God Is So Good,” touching on many of the innumerable ways God is so good to us.
5. Hosanna
“Hosanna” is a deep expression of adoration and praise. In Matthew 21:9, we see it exclaimed as Jesus enters Jerusalem. “Hosanna,” the song, provides us with powerful words to adore our God with the highest praise and a plea to help us live our lives for him.
6. How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
by Stuart Townend
“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us” reminds us of why Christ suffered the cross and rose again, calling to mind 1 John 4:19.
7. In Christ Alone
by Stuart Townend, Keith Getty
Easter is a time to remember Christ’s sacrifice for us and to remind each other that the power of his resurrection echoes in our lives today. “In Christ Alone” puts this powerful message into song.
8. Is He Worthy
by Andrew Peterson, Ben Shive
“Is He Worthy” asks common questions and repeatedly answers to affirm God’s worthiness.
“Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David’s root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From ev’ry people and tribe
Ev’ry nation and tongue
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God to reign with the Son
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is”
9. King of Kings
by Jason Ingram, Brooke Ligertwood, Scott Ligertwood
“King of Kings” exalts our risen Savior for who he is, King of kings.
“He is risen to the Father’s right hand
Now seated on the throne
All authority
In Heaven and on earth
Is given to His name
The name of the Lord
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
Jesus the Son of God is glorified
Prince of peace
Holy One
Jesus the Son of God is glorified”
10. Lead Me to the Cross
by Brooke Fraser
“Lead Me to the Cross” identifies with Paul’s sentiments in Philippians 3:8 and Galatians 6:14. As Christians, the most valuable treasure we have is our intimacy with Christ and our identification with what he did on the cross.
11. Living Hope
by Brian Johnson, Phil Wickham
As Christians, we can rejoice that Christ overcame death for us and that we, too, have life through him. “Living Hope” brings home that truth.
12. Mighty to Save
by Reuben Morgan, Ben Fielding
“Mighty to Save” is a beautiful confession of faith that begins with a plea everyone can relate to. The world is a dark place; Jesus’ resurrection brings it light.
13. The Power of the Cross
by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend
This worship song personalizes Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, praises him for our freedom, and offers a powerful lead-in to other Easter songs and hymns.
“This the power of the cross
Christ became sin for us, took the blame, bore the wrath
We stand forgiven at the cross
Oh to see my name written in the woods
For through your suffering I am free
Death is crushed to death, life is mine to live
Won through your selfless love”
14. Resurrecting
by Chris Brown, Mack Brock, Matthews Ntele, Steven Furtick, Wade Joye
“Resurrecting” exalts Christ as servant, savior, King, and victor.
“The tomb where soldiers watched in vain
Was borrowed for three days
His body there would not remain
Our God has robbed the grave
Our God has robbed the grave
Your Name, Your Name
Is Victory
All praise will rise
To Christ our King
Your Name, Your Name
Is Victory”
15. This Is Amazing Grace
by Jeremy Riddle; Author: Josh Farro; Author: Phil Wickham
Jesus died for everyone, but there’s a deeply personal aspect to his sacrifice that requires personal acceptance. “This Is Amazing Grace” embodies the personal aspect of the cross with lyrics like these:
“This is unfailing love
that you would take my place
That you would bear my cross
You would lay down your life
That I would be set free
Jesus, I sing for
All that you’ve done for me”
16. Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
by Michael Farren, Jonny Robinson, Rich Thompson
“Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me” echoes Galatians 2:20 and 1 Corinthians 15:10.
“No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven
The future sure, the price it has been paid
For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon
And He was raised to overthrow the grave
To this I hold, my sin has been defeated
Jesus now and ever is my plea
Oh the chains are released, I can sing, ‘I am free’
Yet not I, but through Christ in me”
17. The Wonderful Cross
by Chris Tomlin, Isaac Watts, J. D. Walt, Jesse Reeves
Once an object of terror and torture, God turned the cross into a symbol of salvation. “The Wonderful Cross” incorporates the 1707 hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” and helps us remember the dual nature of the cross, reflecting on the sorrow and joy we can find in it.
Make life a little easier this Easter
Reporting your song usage to CCLI and other licensing companies doesn’t have to be a hassle. Proclaim church presentation software’s song usage reports put all the information you need in one place, so all you have to do is copy-paste. No more tediously hunting for CCLI numbers and scrolling through past presentations to see how often you used a song.
Plus, when you sign up now to try Faithlife Proclaim church presentation software absolutely free for 30 days, you’ll get 500+ free Easter images to use however you like.
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